Free Textbook Initiative
The OSU Beaver Store and The OSU Valley Library presents:
"Free" Textbook Initiative
The Beaver Store has been working for course material affordability since its inception back in 1914. As a non-profit student/faculty governed bookstore today we continually search for ways to make course materials affordable for OSU students. Students now have the option of less expensive digital-only material or of purchasing New or Used books at the lowest cost for any university campus bookstore in the country.
But the OSU Beaver Store is always searching for more ways to reduce student expenditures for course materials...
The OSU Beaver Store in cooperation of the OSU Library has created a place for students to easily search for "free" versions of some commonly adopted textbook titles used here at OSU.
The link below will take you a hyperlinked document. Search for a title/author and if found, simply click, and you will be directed to The Valley Library destination to view the "free" ebook version.
Easy and "free"!